What does LOVE mean to you?

Handsome Bisong
2 min readFeb 14, 2021


What does love mean to you?

Does it burn you up from the inside with the butterflies in your tummy make you giddy with excitement? Or perhaps it is that emotion that wells up inside of you when you do an act of humane kindness. Or is it that slow feeling of extreme fondness and contentment you have for a person? Whichever and however form it is in, you are valid and so are your feelings 😊. I do know love is not just about feelings and emotions but one’s commitment in choosing to stick to and be with a particular person and/or thing. Love is friendship. Love drives loyalty and allegiance. Love is making conscious decisions and efforts to be true and faithful. Though having its occasional hiccups, love is steadfast and secure. Love is serene.

Often times however, we limit love to romance but I believe we ought to express love to ourselves. This is a good time to emphasize how paramount YOUR peace is. Love in whatever shape or form it comes should fill you with tranquility. As we go about our lovey-mushy stuff, today is also an appropriate time to self-reflect. Whatever or whoever is not giving you peace has to go. You are a baby girl/boy and deserve the best while being at rest.

I do hope this season reminds you how important YOU are and not just as someone’s significant other but as an individual, an individual worthy of being loved and treated right.

For my single people, don’t let anyone tension you (lol). Go for a drink, do something you’ve never done before so long you aren’t hurting anyone and/or yourself, and live.

Most importantly, be kind today and ALWAYS.

Happy Valentine!!!!

Okeke Oluwatomisin

Writer, Psychologist

